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Youth Programs

At Grace we are committed to living into baptismal promises and identity by nurturing our children in their faith journey and joining them in a safe and exciting place to grow in faith. 

If you are new to Grace Lutheran and want to learn more about how to connect your children with the ministries of the congregation please contact the church at 605-698-7636.

Sunday School - Pre-school through 9th Grade
Grace Lutheran has a dynamic Sunday School program that is open to pre-school through 9th graders every Sunday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Sunday School teachers use Spark, a Bible-based curriculum that provides teachings from the Old and New Testaments, which includes leaflet learning guides.
In Sunday School, children have fun with friends while growing in their faith. In addition to learning, the Sunday School hour also includes music, crafts, and games.
Confirmation - Grades 8-9th
Confirmation is a two-year course  for youth grades 8-9. The first year concentrates on the Bible while the second year focuses on Lutheran teachings and practices. Confirmation classes meet every Wednesday during the school year. For more information, contact the church office.                      
  • Combined 8th & 9th grade Confirmation class is Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.
Jr League - Grades 7-8th
Grace Lutheran’s Junior League meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 
Every year, 7and 8th grade Jr. Leaguers act out the story of baby Jesus birth. Live Nativity is held in the Heineke barn (north of Sisseton) on the second Wednesday of December. All are welcome to attend this event. Viewers meet at Grace Lutheran Church and follow the Star. 
Sr League - Grades 9-12th
Grace Lutheran’s Senior League meets every first and third Wednesday of the month throughout the school year. Senior League serves breakfast once a month following worship. They also serve soup and bread during Lent and before Lenten services and delivers meals to shut-ins and elderly.

Starting in 9th grade, youth start preparing to become the future leaders of the church as they learn the fundamentals and positions of the church. They are Grace's next generation of leaders, council members, and teachers.
Vacation Bible School - Pre-school through 9th Grade
Vacation Bible School at Grace Lutheran Church is held annually the first week in June and is open to area children. 
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